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About Us

Established in the year 2012, Sri Bhagavathi Engineeirng is located in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. The company is managed by Mr. T. Naveen Kumar; under his guidance, Sri Bhagavathiengineeirng has grown rapidly in such a short span of time. As per our latest financial reports, our annual turnover is Rs. 5 Crore Approx. Our team endeavors is one of the factors behind our success thus we are able to bring forward the best Construction Machines.

Production Facility
We have advanced Manufacturing Unit for the fabrication of different types of Construction Machines. Our unit is installed with the latest, efficient machines that save our time and energy. We have a well-maintained and organized unit for Prefabrication, Preassembly and Construction.

We have a responsible and talented team of professionals. Our team comprises of Engineers, Research and Development Experts, Quality inspectors, Administration staff, Marketing agents, Customer support executives, Machine operators and Technicians. We follow fair employment practices due to which we have a great understanding between our team members; thus, we are able to achieve our targets on time.

Why Prefer Us?
  • We are one-stop destination for energy efficient Construction Machines.
  • We offer various Construction Machines at competitive prices.
  • We provide complete customer support.


Name of Manager Mr. T. Naveen Kumar
Year of Establishment 2012
Nature of Business Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier
Number of Employees Below 20
Annual Turnover Rs. 2.5 to 5 Crore Approx.